A meta description is a summary of up to 155-160 characters in length that describes the content of a web page. Search engines show it in search results when the meta description also includes the keywords being searched. Meta descriptions entice users to click through to a page and are part of effective SEO.
It is fastly becoming a trend to put forth content without necessarily writing meta titles as it is not a necessity for one’s SEO ranking. That is why it is somewhat understandable why marketers just don’t think that spending time on writing a good meta title is still worth the trouble. It is, however, important to note that though they don’t affect your SEO ranking, meta titles have a great deal of influence on your customers as they are what appears under the link of your website. SEO ranking may have the day over which website will come first or even on their first page but metal titles have the day as to who will be clicked as web users have the freedom of choice on the link they choose to click. You can get it all done by any well-reputed SEO agency. Despite its importance, it is of an essence to note that there are some things not to adopt while writing meta titles, six of which are listed below.
Creativity over keywords
When it comes to meta titles a lot of persons tend to choose to be creative. This is is not actually the best of cases as keywords are key. This is because search engines will likely post the links they consider most relevant on their results page. In addition, people are most likely to click on the links that carry what they are looking for. This is not to dispute the fact that creativity is good but to affirm that your meta titles should contain your keywords.
Boring meta titles
Nothing is as irritating as long and annoying meta titles with no stomach of creativity. Too much of everything is bad and a long descriptive meta title is no different. In a bid to win prospects over, web operators sometimes tend to overdo something because it was effective and thought to overdo it will make it even more effective. This is not always the case as this most of the times tend to ruin the beauty of it. It’s not the best to play all your cards in the name of giving a meta title instead give out enough to convince your prospect that you have enough but very little that will make them yearn for more.
Focusing on your products alone
Although people are always after what you have to offer them, they actually stand to benefit from what you have to offer. A lot of web operators make the mistake of only focusing on what they have to offer instead of what their customers will be able to do with it. Next time when you’re writing meta titles, focus more on what people stand to gain rather than just what you’re offering.
Using complex language
People think that the use of very strong vocabulary is a mean of showing professionalism and will encourage people to click on their link. This is actually far from the truth, people are most likely to click on links whose meta titles are written in simple and clear language as against those written with the aid of a dictionary.
The absence of CTA words
This may not necessarily be a decider as to whether or not your website link will be clicked but it will encourage people to do so. The use of a very descriptive meta title and CTA words such as “discover, Read more” etc will likely to encourage people to click on your website link.
Poor content
The best of meta titles are those backed by equally good contents. It is very important to have equally good content to back up your meta titles especially if you’re trying to promote your brand and create a positive image for it. You can incorporate the name of your client and instances of how your products or services have been of help, valued, and assistance so that your content doesn’t seem bogus.